Wednesday, April 1, 2015



“Again?” I ask as the telephone rings and I step out of the shower. Sure enough. It’s a number I don’t recognize. The robotic voice urgently informs me that my car’s extended warranty has expired. Really? It’s only twelve years old. Disconnect.
“Again?” I ask as the dog stands gazing expectantly at the back door. But I just sat down. Can I ignore her for a moment? Can she wait for that moment? What are the possible consequences to my sitting a little longer? “You are such a good dog. Get off the porch.”
“Again?” And this one’s from a collection agency. I have telephoned. I have written sending photocopies that prove I do not owe them $10.46. I know it’s not much money, but I don’t owe it. They think eventually I’ll just pay it to get them off my back. A collection agency for $10.46? How much are they spending to try to collect $10.46? “Dear Sir,” I write. “Enclosed, please find photocopies of Explanations of Benefits showing that I do not owe $10.46 for these services.”
“Again?” But it was 80 degrees yesterday. It’s supposed to be in the 70’s today. And they say snow tomorrow night and Friday morning. “Wherefore art thou, Spring?”
“You look like you could use a hug,” he says.
“Yes, please.”
“You smell good,” he says.

“Again? Please.” I ask while he still holds me.


  1. Love it! Isn't it funny how often we find ourselves thinking this word? I look forward to seeing the rest of your A to Z posts, Claudia! Happy A to Z!

  2. I want Spring to come too! It's been such a long winter! Nice post.

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  3. Lovely post! :)
    I hope spring comes quicker..
