Friday, March 13, 2020

Being 72 in the Year of Corona Virus

A Silver Sneakers Class

Silver Sneakers is a program of physical fitness classes for people 65 years old and older. I have benefited greatly from these classes -- everything from increased endurance and improved balance to greater strength and flexibility at least as they relate to my physical self. (There are certain ethical and political issues about which I am not famous for being particularly flexible.)

I am 72 years old and in this time of the Novel Corona Virus pandemic, my age group are the most vulnerable to death as a result of Covid-19. Unfortunately most of my friends and a goodly group of my relatives are in this age and risk group. And, at this age, we are more likely to have "underlying health issues," which all and sundry take pains to point out are complicating risk issues.

I would here be inclined to extol my general good health, but I shouldn't tempt the Fates.

I walk with a group of people pretty much my age (and this is a very fluid group) three mornings a week and go to coffee together afterwards to discuss the world's problems and the successes of our children and pets. Plus I go to Silver Sneakers classes two to four days a week depending on what else is going on in my life. I feel that both activities are very important to my physical and mental wellbeing.

A friend recently said "I think we retirees need to stay home and go out for necessities when we need them at least for awhile to help the slowdown of people being infected. What are your thoughts." 

We walked at Addenbrooke Park and went to The Village Roaster for coffee Tuesday. The young woman at the counter wiped down everything customers touched.

Geese by the acre on Addenbrooke's Soccer Fields. That's Mt. Morrison in the background.

Yesterday morning we walked at Kendrick Lake. Another look at Mt. Morrison, this time across Kendrick Lake.

Then I went to class yesterday afternoon. There weren't very many people in class so there was plenty of space between us. I took disinfectant wipes and used them liberally on the equipment, including the chair I sat in. They have the scanning wand set up on the counter so they don't handle our cards to check us in.

I think walking outside presents minimal risk.

I think these things are all important to maintain my health, so I will continue to do them as long as I feel well. I don't have reason to interact with children, people in nursing care facilities, or hospitals. I think I will avoid entertainment venues that might be crowded, if such things continue to exist in the near future. And I'll probably do my errands when businesses are likely to be less busy. Again using hand washing, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes.

The thing is, this virus is rather like fire -- as long as there is fuel available it will spread and the people of the world have no immunity (at least those of us who have not yet had the virus) so we are the fuel. Unfortunately this corona virus will run its course and we just need to stay as healthy as we can so if we do contract it, we have a reasonable expectation of surviving.

I am worried about my friends. We are in the age category at risk of worst outcomes, and many of us do have underlying health issues.

I am perfectly willing to make adjustments to my behavior as conditions warrant.

And I certainly will take appropriate actions including self-quarantine if I, at any point, test positive for Covid-19 or, indeed, begin to feel ill with anything. I don't want to share a cold or the flu with anyone either.


  1. Glad you are keeping well, Claudia, in these difficult times. I am doing much the same, carrying on as normally as possible. Some events we had tickets for have been cancelled and I decided myself to cancel the lunch booking I had made for Mother’s Day on 22nd. I don’t want to take my 93 year old mum into crowds. She is my main worry - John and I are pretty healthy and could probably fight it off easily. Having said that, if one of us gets it we can’t visit and she will be isolated. All the best to you and Scott.

    1. I'm glad to hear you and John are well. And your mum. And you're right we do need to stay well as much as possible so as not to endanger those around us. Especially our elders (of which I am one.) Isolation for us humans is the worst. There's always the phone, thank goodness, if worst comes to worst.

  2. Thank you for your post. This virus is certainly a common plight and affects us all. Rita and I used to go to Silver Sneakers on a regular basis , but now that they have closed all the gyms in the Houston area (including our YMCA) that is not an option. And we used to go to eat with friends, but now that they have closed all the resturants in our area except for take out, that is not an option either. But we do have a lot of good walking trails in our neighborhood and in parks in the surrounding area, and the weather in Houston in March is possibly the best in the country; so the walking is great. And spring is a great time for gardening chores in our own yard. One can't be too discouraged about options that are not available when there are other good options that are available.

    1. "... when there are other good options that are available." Well said.
