"Some days are diamonds, some days are stones" -- Dick Feller
It's Easter Sunday.
When I awoke this morning, it was dark, 23 degrees, and snowing. The forecast is for snow the rest of today and tomorrow and tomorrow night.
Travel is discouraged or, in some instances, banned. When we walk together, we walk apart and wear masks. When we meet for coffee, we have Zoom meetings, spending much of the limited time helping each other navigate the technology so we can be together virtually.
And today is Easter. Traditional sites for Sunrise Services are closed. Churches are closed. The world is closed. All now relegated to the virtual.
Traditions are now virtual.
The Easter tradition, for Christians, is a time to commemorate Jesus rising from the dead, promising life. For Jews, Passover (which shares calendar time with Easter Week) commemorates the tenth of the plagues sent by God to force the Egyptians to free the Israelites. By marking their doorposts with the blood of a spring lamb, their firstborn lived while the first born children of their Egyptian neighbors died. A promise of life in a world of death.
"Sometimes the hard times won't leave me alone"
In this time of our own plague, traditions that promise us hope and give us peace are especially needed, but are available to us in such changed forms, it's hard to know if they will provide hope and peace.
And right now, it is snowing.
"Sometimes a cold wind blows a chill in my bones"
But if I am still and quiet, right here, right now, I can see that today is "diamond."
I am here, cossetted in my warm home. Not alone, but with the man I love. We have food and water and access to the world. We are well. Those we love are far from us but they too, are well.
The sun may not be shining on my home today. The weather is closed in around our neighborhood and we can't see the foothills, but we do have the bright white of snow.
Snow bathes the world in the most beautiful silence. A silence accented with birdsong. They know it's Spring.
This layer of snow somehow makes me feel separated and safe from the worries and fears that are today's Covid-19 plague.

So for now, I'll have a nice cup of coffee, some buttered toast (homemade, sourdough of course) and enjoy this Easter that the snow has made "diamond."
We’ve had sunny, warm(ish) weather. Happy Easter, Claudia and Scott.
ReplyDeleteCelebrating the diamonds amid the stones.